Tuesday 7 October 2008

it couldn't last of course

good at breakfast - my usual 2 milky coffees, but after a particularly gruelling and long spin class with sandra this morning i came home and started off with good intentions - had a small bowl of plain yog.

and then as i examined my boobs in the shower - why must they be the first to lose their plumpness when i start eating less??, i started to wonder if i was overdoing this eating less malarkey. anyway i came downstairs and saw mickey eating a sugared jam doughnut.  at that point i should've gone out of the kitchen, but i sat down with her and just helped myself to a doughnut as we were chatting.

and then she got out the leftovers from last night's beef rendang (which i'd been so good and resisted last night) and the rice and, yeap i also had some.  and it's not even 1 o'clock yet!!!

i console myself with the thought that i only had small portions and will walk it off with the dog this afternoon.

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