Thursday 20 November 2008

new regime

well in this credit crisis and when i was imagining the worst scenario, i quit the gym.  i realise it was perhaps a hasty decision as i found a lodger for the spareroom last night and i needn't hve quit the gym after all.

but you know, i feel freed.  one less burden.  i always felt that i had to go to the gym, to get value out of my subscription. these days i can take as long as i like on my morning walks with the dog and not race home to get ready to go to a spin class, or circuit training or some such.  i do miss the spin class but my favourite mad italian trainer is out of action for the next several months anyway due to an injury and op and his replacement though delightful just hasn't the same edginess.   anyway i might even take out that bike i bought on ebay last summer.  maybe.

so my new regime these days is very long morning walks and continue to eat sensibly.

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